Step 1 of 5 0% This field is hidden when viewing the formSchool Name(Required)This field is hidden when viewing the formSchool ID(Required)Principle I: Inspired by Divine Mission1. The school’s commitment to the divine mission of Catholic education is evident in its mission statement, governing documents, policies, and publications.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree2. The school ensures employees and volunteers have the necessary knowledge, skills, dispositions and ongoing training to fulfill the school’s divine mission.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree3. The school evaluates programs and personnel to ensure institutional commitment to its divine mission.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree4. The school ensures each member of the governing body is informed of and committed to the responsibility of respecting, promoting, strengthening, and defending the Catholic identity and Catholic mission of the school.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree5. The school ensures each member of the governing body is a practicing Catholic.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree6. The school ensures that the educational philosophy is in harmony with the Church’s teaching on the divine mission of Catholic education.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly AgreePrinciple I: Please feel free to include other information or data you believe adds to the overall impression of your school. (This will not be scored.) Your browser does not support the video tag. Principle II: Models Christian Communion and Identity1. The school ensures that employees and volunteers have the necessary knowledge, skills, dispositions, and ongoing training to model and teach Christian communion?(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree2. School leaders communicate with and support the needs of local Catholic pastors, priests, and religious.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree3. The school ensures that ALL operations are consistent with the Code of Canon Law, Catechism of the Catholic Church, and other magisterial teachings of the Church.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree4. The school supports and serves the local community.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree5. The school assists Catholic and non-Catholic parents to integrate into the Catholic community and, if appropriate, formally transition into the Catholic Church.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree6. The school seeks to make Catholic education accessible to large or economically disadvantaged families.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree7. The school clearly communicates to all employees and volunteers the expectation to respect, promote, strengthen, and protect the Catholic identity of the school(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree8. The school, in the rare instance when only a non-Catholic is available to fill a teaching position, ensures that the teacher is aware, supportive, and respectful of the school’s Catholic mission and identity.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree9. The school ensures that only Catholic faculty are assigned to teaching positions where formal catechesis occurs.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly AgreePrinciple II: Please feel free to include other information or data you believe adds to the overall impression of your school. (This will not be scored.)Personnel Policy Check-Up for AdministratorsDoes the school use a pre-application document to help prospective employees and volunteers understand the Catholic nature of employment, the specific job requirements, and disciplinary procedures prior to an initial interview?(Required) Yes No Does the school require a letter of good standing from the applicant’s parish or Church of attendance if not Catholic?(Required) Yes No Has the school reviewed its hiring documents for the exclusion of gender identity, gender orientation, and gender expression terms?(Required) Yes No Does the hiring process include reference to any marriage irregularities?(Required) Yes No Areas of prohibited employee behavior are detailed in employment documents?(Required) Yes No Clear and consistent disciplinary policies and procedures are in place for employees who openly promote or manifest a homosexual lifestyle or misaligned gender identity.(Required) Yes No Healthcare policy denies coverage for contraception, abortion, same-sex partner, gender transition.(Required) Yes No Your browser does not support the video tag. Principle III: Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture & Sacraments1. The school ensures that members of the community (board, administration, faculty, staff, volunteers, students, and parents) are committed to providing opportunities for living encounters with the Father, Son and Spirit.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree2. The school ensures that employees and volunteers have the necessary knowledge, skills, dispositions, and ongoing training to provide opportunities for living encounters with the Father, Son and Spirit.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree3. The school evaluates programs and personnel to ensure opportunities to encounter the living God in prayer, scripture, and the Sacraments.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree4. The faculty and staff reflect together on the experience of students in these encounters of prayer, scripture, and the sacrament to ensure that they are personal and meaningful(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree5. The school supports parents, students, faculty, and parishes in sacramental preparation for Baptism, first Reconciliation, first Holy Communion, and Confirmation.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree6. The school ensures ample opportunities for retreats that are spiritually serious and rich, and effective in deepening a relationship with God.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree7. The school encourages participation by faculty and staff in prayer, retreats, liturgies, and the sacraments.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree8. The school ensures employees and volunteers are witnesses to Gospel values.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree9. The school provides professional development for employees to aid in their spiritual formation.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree10. The school provides opportunities for parents to encounter Christ through prayer, liturgies, sacramentals and the Sacraments.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree11. The school informs families about the use of sacramentals to provide an understanding of their purpose in faith and devotion.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree12. The school makes its best effort to create a respectful and beautiful space for the celebration of the liturgy.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly AgreePrinciple III: Please feel free to include other information or data you believe adds to the overall impression of your school. (This will not be scored.) Your browser does not support the video tag. Principle IV: Integrally Forms the Human Person1. The school ensures that members of the community (board, administration faculty, staff, volunteers, students, and parents) are committed to the integral formation of students.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree2. The school ensures that employees and volunteers have the necessary knowledge, skills, dispositions and ongoing training for the integral formation of students.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree3. The school forms in students the Christian obligation to live lives of love and service, seek justice, and minister to the poor, marginalized, and outcast.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree4. The school acknowledges and encourages virtuous behavior throughout the school community.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree5. The school is committed to the integration of the Catholic intellectual tradition throughout its academic program.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree6. The school's educational standards and pedagogy embrace knowledge for its own sake and move beyond an accumulation of knowledge for utilitarian ends.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree7. The school provides for learning opportunities that develop wonder, reflection, critical thinking, and moral decision-making.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree8. The school assists students to integrate faith and life.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree9. The school provides for interdisciplinary instruction to expose underlying relationships between subject matters.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree10. The school promotes dialogue between faith and reason.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree11. The school fosters in students a love for truth and a desire for knowledge about God and His creation.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree12. The school introduces students to the transcendentals of truth, beauty, and goodness.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree13. The school teaches students to confront materialism and relativism.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree14. The school carefully vets and approves only clubs, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities that are faithful to the Church’s teaching and allow for the intellectual, physical, and spiritual formation of students.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree15. The school’s athletic program contributes to the spiritual development of students and allows them to grow in Christian virtue.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree16. The visual and performing arts foster the integral formation of students and aid in the development of Christian virtue.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree17. The school creates opportunities for outreach to the poor, marginalized, and outcast.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree18. All field trips enhance the intellectual, spiritual, or physical formation of students.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree19. School dances and music selections foster the integral formation of students and aid in the development of Christian virtue and chastity.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly AgreePrinciple IV: Please feel free to include other information or data you believe adds to the overall impression of your school. (This will not be scored.)Human Sexuality Program Policies Check UpDoes the school have a policy regarding in-school teaching of human sexuality ensuring fidelity and outlining processes?(Required) Yes No Does the school support parents with resources and materials for in-home teaching on human sexuality?(Required) Yes No Does the school inform parents in advance regarding any human sexuality courses and programs?(Required) Yes No Student Life Policies Check-UpAre there policies in place that prohibit and do not tempt students toward abortion?(Required) Yes No Are there policies in place prohibiting public display or celebration of same-sex attraction?(Required) Yes No Are there policies in place that limit the use of locker rooms or restrooms to individuals of the same biological sex?(Required) Yes No Do school discipline programs explicitly focus on the development of virtue?(Required) Yes No Is there a policy in place that protects Catholic moral norms and ensures a Catholic worldview is present in the approval of student organizations, associations, and activities?(Required) Yes No Instructional Program Policies Check UpLiterature and arts policyDoes the school have a literature and arts policy detailing criteria for the selection of classroom and library texts that assist the student in a right ordering of the intellect, will, imagination, and emotions in the pursuit of the understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness?(Required) Yes No Is literature selected that is time-tested and allows for the discussion of themes and events in light of Catholic norms, values, and worldview?(Required) Yes No Is literature free of significant and shocking profanity; explicit discussion, presentation, or description of sexuality, sexual activity, or sexual fantasy; not a means that leads to a diminishing of the faith or to despair; not a proximate cause of sinful thoughts or actions, or a pathway to the occult?(Required) Yes No Use of secular materials.Are all materials and programs used in the school vetted for fidelity to Church teaching so as not to cause scandal or be a source of confusion for students?(Required) Yes No Are all materials and programs vetted for the absence of atheistic positioning, agnosticism, or a false ideology about the human person?(Required) Yes No Are all materials and programs vetted for any advocacy of relativism or denial of transcendent and objective truth?(Required) Yes No Are all organizations or authors vetted prior to use to avoid possible scandal?(Required) Yes No Are all materials and programs vetted prior to use to avoid excessive demand on testing, teacher formation, or other priorities that crowd out Catholic education or the establishment of a strong Catholic culture?(Required) Yes No Does the school supplement secular science materials with robust and effective Catholic resources to ensure a Catholic understanding of creation, human dignity, and morality is taught and compared to any secular or materialist accounts?(Required) Yes No Does the school’s civics/history/social studies program promote the virtue of patriotism and does not disparage U.S. Founding Fathers or documents?(Required) Yes No Does the school ensure its civics/history/social studies program or materials do not have political or social activism as a core component in which students are required to participate.(Required) Yes No Do the school’s programs and materials promote a Catholic moral vision and specifically does not impute race-based collective guilt or encourage victim status or entitlement among students?(Required) Yes No Your browser does not support the video tag. Principle V: Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World1. The school ensures that employees and volunteers have the necessary knowledge, skills, dispositions, and ongoing training to impart a Christian understanding of the world.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly Agree2. The school evaluates programs and personnel to ensure they impart a Christian understanding of the world.(Required)1 – Strongly Disagree2 – Disagree3 – Agree4 – Strongly AgreePrinciple V: Please feel free to include other information or data you believe adds to the overall impression of your school. (This will not be scored.)Admissions Policies Check UpDoes the school have an admissions policy that champions the mission of the school over enrollment numbers?(Required) Yes No Is a required signed Parental Agreement indicating a collaborative partnership between parent/guardian and school exist?(Required) Yes No Does a school policy exist within admissions materials stating the school will interact with students exclusively according to their biological sex in determining nomenclature, athletics, uniforms, etc.(Required) Yes No Does a policy exist which prohibits enrolling of students from same sex households?(Required) Yes No Does a policy exist stating all enrolled students must participate in religion/theology classes and activities?(Required) Yes No Does the school have a policy in place to make education accessible to large or economically disadvantaged families?(Required) Yes No Does the school have a policy or statement in place explaining school capabilities and limitations for providing student accommodations and interventions?(Required) Yes No Your browser does not support the video tag. 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